If you’re planning to start a business, you may have more questions than answers. Many business owners don’t know how to start or register a business, what entity to choose << LLC or Sole Proprietor, LLC or Corporation, etc >>, what steps to take in the process, where or what to file, etc. We, at Paz Tax, will answer all your questions and help you register your business. We will recommend the entity that best suits you based on your business and goals in mind.
Depending on the entity type you choose and how your business is structured, you may be required to register your business with the IRS, state, and other local governments. We will explain the requirements and tax responsibilities for your business industry. We will help you complete all the necessary registrations to avoid delays come tax time and penalties and interest.
Each business is unique and may have different registration requirements, some may have payroll or other tax requirements. Generally, most LLCs and Corporations will have the following requirements, sole proprietors will also have some, and other entities may require other registrations as well. This list is not all inclusive.
State Registration
Register your LLC or Corporation with the Secretary of State
Apply for EIN
IRS will issue your business a unique taxpayer identification.
Business License
Apply for the city and county licenses where you will conduct business.
Tax Accounts
The DOR will assign a unique tax account number for each tax your business will pay.